Tocco Magico De-Light Oxi Developer


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Fluid developer emulsion enriched with

conditioning elements that protects the hair during the lightening process.
Mixes quickly and easily into a homogenous cream. The DeLight developer emulsions are dedicated, and to be only mixed exclusively with DeLight Universal Powder and DeLight Decolor Cream.

Available in 10-20-30-40 volumes.


To use in combination with DeLight Decolor Cream and DeLight Universal Powder, instructions of usage can be found the bottles of the products.

Mixing ratio: 1:2
One part of DeLight Univesal Powder + two parts of OXI DeLight.

Additional information

Weight N/A

10 vol 1000mil, 20 vol 1000mil, 30 vol 1000mil, 40 vol 1000mil


Tocco Magico


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